Product details

accommod” Air freshner, 220 ml NA..NA.550331

accommod” AIR MOTOR NA..NA.NA

accommod” Hand cleaner, waterless, 1 kg/Tin , Ordered from catalog IMPA: 55 02 71 , IMPA no: 55 02 71 NA..NA.55 02 71

accommod” AIR MOTOR NA..NA.NA

accommod” “PILLOW KAPOK 600X400MM, Ordered from catalog IMPA: 150282
Filled with rubber, chicken or duck feather and covered in striped cotton linen. Standard sizes are listed below.” NA..NA.150282

accommod” AIR MOTOR NA..NA.NA

accommod” FLOOR CLEANER JOHNSON BIG BARE, HEAVY DUTY 18LTR, Ordered from catalog IMPA: 550508 NA..NA.550508

accommod” “SOAP TOILET LUX 100GRMX72S, Ordered from catalog IMPA: 550253
For washing face, body and hands.” NA..NA.550253

accommod” “AJAX ALL PURPOSE LIQUID, Ordered from catalog IMPA: 550160
(..Truncated please refer to attachment) : Tough institutional cleaner which works on all washable surfaces including linoleum, tile, walls, woodwork, venetian blinds, porcelain and appliances. Contains a dirt and grease removal agent called “ammonial”. Dilute at a ratio of 1/4 cup of cleaner to a gallon of water and you get a powerful cleaning solution that doesn’t need to be rinsed or wiped dry. For windows or mirrors, use 1 teaspoon of cleaner per gallon of water and wipe dry. F..” NA..NA.550160

accommod” Paper table napkins, 2-ply, 330x330mm, 2400s/Carton , Ordered from catalog IMPA: 17 14 76 , IMPA no: 17 14 76 NA..NA.171476

accommod” AIR MOTOR NA..NA.NA

accommod” Paper towel, rolled, W228mm x L17,6mtr , Ordered from catalog IMPA: 17 42 33, IMPA no: 17 42 33 NA..NA.174233

accommod” Laundry machine detergent , Ordered from catalog StdRef: 55 01 34, IMPA no: 55 01 34 NA..NA.55013

accommod” LAUNDRY SOFTENER NA..NA.550124

accommod” Toilet Cleancer , Ordered from catalog IMPA: 550235, IMPA no: 550235 NA..NA.550235

accommod” AIR MOTOR NA..NA.NA

accommod” BLANKET WOOL 100% 1800X2300MM, CAMEL, Ordered from catalog IMPA: 150312 NA..NA.150312

accommod” Oven cleaner, 226 gm NA..NA.550301

accommod” AIR MOTOR NA..NA.NA

accommod” AIR MOTOR NA..NA.NA

accommod” PAPER PLATE , Ordered from catalog IMPA: 170486, IMPA no: 170486 NA..NA.170486


accommod” Cooking foil, Alluminium NA..NA.174202

accommod” STAINLESS STEEL BASKETS, Ordered from catalog IMPA: 173274, IMPA no: 173274 NA..NA.173274

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